Welcome to Have Roots, Will Travel
Welcome to Have Roots, Will TravelWelcome to Have Roots, Will TravelWelcome to Have Roots, Will Travel
Love the episodes on YouTube? Here's a chance to own your own copy!
Choose the Fille du Roi Episode you would like to own. You can order any or all of your Fille du Rois--the more you order, the more you save!
Order 10 ($4.00 each)
Order 20 ($3.50 each)
Order 30 and over ($ 2.50 each)
Please email your selections to lisa@haverootswilltravel.com. Once I receive your order I will email you with instructions!
Choose the Fille a Marier Episode you would like to own. You can order any or all of your Fille à Mariers--the more you order, the more you save!
Order 10 ($4.00 each)
Order 20 ($3.50 each)
Order 30 and over ($ 2.50 each)
Please email your selections to lisa@haverootswilltravel.com. Once I receive your order I will email you with instructions!
You may order an individual Fille du Roi specfic OR just a general one.Please email your selections to lisa@haverootswilltravel.com. Once I receive your order I will email you with instructions!
Once you receive the email confirming your order, please pay the amount forwarded in your confirmation email.
Here's an example of my video episodes!
Here's where to find how much a search costs and what services you might actually need
Here are some links to Lisa's favorite things, places, people and other assorted genealogical/travel info!
Lisa's biographical and genealogical portfolio. Other wise known as "Who the Heck is Lisa?"
Find an Episode alphabetically!
P.O. Box 57451 Tucson, Arizona 85732